Young Dolphins Stolen From Their Mothers To be Sold To Aquariums

Liz Carter filmed this video in Japan on January 20th showing divers capturing a young dolphin and taking it away from its mother. The documentary 'The Cove' shows how this area is used to corral dolphins to be slaughtered as we well as taken to be used at marine parks and aquariums.

Posted by Liz Carter

Captive selection of super pod of bottlenose dolphins driven into Taiji, Japan 20th January for 5 days of selection -24th January 2017 100 dolphins were stolen, some died from the process juveniles ripped from their mothers, this scene, the mother and child are desperately trying to stay together.. Your entertainment has been stolen from the wild ..destined for marine parks and aquariums..stop supporting swim with dolphins , marine parks that hold, captive dolphins ..filmed today in Taiji, Japan , watch the Cove movie to learn more about dolphin captivity .. the price of a ticket and a day trip out to a marine park isn't worth this

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